Sunday, September 16, 2007

Just out for a walk...

Today I was deeply mired in the Slough of Despond - but went for a 50 minute walk just before sunset and it really cleared the cobwebs out of my head. Jeff Galloway told me that forward motion helps the mind stay positive. I'm even considering leaving work to go home, eat dinner at home, do some laundry and get prepared for my 30 minute run in the morning. We're assigned certain pages out of the Galloway Training book to read and I have a lot of catch-up reading to do as I haven't done it for 3 weeks!

I've been in the habit of running my weekday runs at the same pace as my weekend runs. And that will keep me a slow runner. I need to up the pace, add acceleration gliders, do the turnover drills, and aim for a 2:1 interval on Mondays and Wednesdays. (I found out on Saturday that I was the only one in my pace group who wasn't doing 2:1s during the week.)

So, I think I will head home, move the laundry ahead, make some dinner, and curl up to read and plan my workouts for the week. Keep moving!

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