Sunday, December 23, 2007

Finished 14 miles feeling good! (plus - another wardrobe issue!)

Two are better than one...

Definitely! I know I would not have had the gumption to get up and get out there and run 14 miles by myself. Thank you, Angie, for being such a great running partner! I brought the map with satellite shots of our mile markers, and she brought the watch with the interval beeps. I used my iPod to time our mile paces and overall times. I stashed bottles of water along our route before our run which worked out great.

This was the first time I've run the same route more than once just to get the mileage in. We had a 7.1 mile loop and ran it twice. Part of the route is a service road behind the airport that only has trees on each side. I was a bit concerned about running that portion in the dark (we started at 5:30 am), but by running the route in reverse the sun came up before we got to the service road.

It's amazing how the exertion increases so gradually during the run. Much like a sunrise. The first several miles are no problem. We're chatting and talking during our walks and during our runs. After 3-5 miles, it's a little tougher, but still feels fine. After 7-9, it's a bit tougher and we're talking less during our runs. From mile 10 on, our conversations are definitely staccato. I'm zoning out during the running minute, not saying a word. Angie tries to talk but then says, "I'll (huff) tell you (huff) in a (huff) minute." And then she laughs and says, "That saying was never more true!" Meanwhile, I start to say something and the watch beeps to run. After running, I can't remember what it was I was going to say!

We finished 13.5, but decided to run 1/2 mile more for a full 14. Something changed during that last half-mile, and I was done. It went from a 7 out of 10 exertion for me, to a 9. There definitely is a wall, and I had found it!

But thanks to the Galloway training, my wall is safely past the 13.1 mark. And as long as I stay about a 14 min/mile pace, I'll be fine. I do hope to finish before 3 hrs, and I think I'll be able to do it at the Seaside Half. Meanwhile, I have the Pensacola Beach Half in 2 weeks to practice.

I did have another object lesson concerning wardrobe. I wore a tanktop and started chaffing under my arms about mile 8 which I have NEVER done before. I soon was VERY thankful for my printed maps for a very different reason. I had to put half my maps under one arm, and half under the other. They stuck to my arms and protected them from my shirt. By the end of the run, they were shredded, falling apart and I had ink tatoos on my arms and shirt. But without the maps - I would've had SERIOUS problems instead of a minor irritation. SO - I will definitely use GLIDE in those areas and "try out" my shirt choice before the Seaside Half. Heck, I may even put a few of those big bandages in my pouch just in case. :)

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