Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's Cold in the Mornings...

This is the time of year that every runner waits for - fall! It has finally arrived in Florida. The moment the temperature dips below 70, I have to get out my trusty, ugly earbands and wear them faithfully until spring. (earbands? well - I don't know what else to call them. They're like big, fluffy headbands that cover your ears.) I've always had sensitive ears that ache when they get cold. Any little bit of cold. 69 degrees out? I have to have my earbands.

No chance of heat exhaustion this Saturday! It was COLD! :) I loved the feel of the air biting through my tank and long t-shirt, nipping at my knees, pretending to be an enemy - but I would convert it into a friend. About mile 5 I took of my t-shirt and ran in my tank - rejoicing in the bite again.

I ran 8.7 miles, mostly by myself. I don't know why I don't get bored. Maybe with the busy, hectic life, it's mentally the only unstructured time I have. No ipod for me. Not even tiresome conversation. Just the joy of a child with a blank piece of paper and a crayon. (Is this why my daughter draws a few lines then goes to another sheet?) What did I think about? I have NO idea! I'm just glad I did it. (And THANKFUL to the Lord above that I was able to do it! Logistics have been crazy this week. In fact, I went to bed Friday night sure I wasn't going to. But when I awoke at 5:15 AM to give my daughter her blanket and was wide awake and felt fine... I decided to go ahead. :)

Next weekend is my "Magic Mile" - the real test to see how much I've improved over the last two months. :) The time to beat: 11:22. I should blow past it as I didn't push hard enough when I set the 11:22 last time. I want to make it under 10. That's a 12% reduction. Well - at least 10:30. :)

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