Monday, October 29, 2007

The Latest

Four weeks ago I ran 8.2 miles at a 14:30 pace. Two weeks ago I ran 8.7 miles at a 14:09 pace. This Saturday, it was 9 miles at 13:32 pace. Am I improving that much? Short answer: NO.

The first two runs I did on my own - except that I was joined by Logan's Full 1:1 group at the end of the 8.7 and in keeping up with them for the last few miles brought my time down to 14:09. This Saturday, my group ran with Logan's Full 1:1 group the entire time (except they did the loop twice - and we only did it once.) I knew they were going too fast - even the walk breaks were at breakneck speed. I ended up very sluggish all day Sat and Sun. I wasn't energized, I was drained.

My run this morning was 45 minutes at 2:1 intervals. But I started out just shuffling. Barely a run. I still haven't fully recovered from Saturday. BUT at least I was out there!

I'm really looking forward to Saturday's 5K. I'm hoping to break my 38 minute personal record. Eden's best friend will spend the night with us Friday night. That will be FUN! (She's 2 1/2.) And I can't wait to see them run in the Fun Run after the 5K. Eden will just be ecstatic to be running with other people! (And when she's tired, I'll scoop her up and walk back. ) :) I'll try to take my camera and take pictures of her in her first "race" :)

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