On Sunday, the 23rd, boy was I tired! I slept through the entire family playing a ROLLICKING game of Pictionary from 8 until past midnight, even after taking a nap earlier! Monday, the 24th, I ran 45 minutes by myself in Huntsville, Alabama. Wednesday, the 26th, I ran another 45 minutes in Huntsville, Alabama - but this time I knew I was carrying along a friend...
Yes - I am pregnant. :)
I bought two tests on the 24th (and had to hide them from my in-laws as I had ridden to the store with them.) After I got home, I thought I was imagining a pink line after the full 3 minutes was up. So I couldn't count it. The next morning, after the 3 minutes was up... again. It was there. Faint, but pink.
So as we all opened our gifts that night - I gave Joe a card and told him to open it last. He was stunned. It was great timing.
My family just found out last night as we celebrated Christmas at their house. Eden was wearing a shirt that said, "I'm the Big Sister." No one noticed it until we were about done with all of our presents and Joe told Renee to read Eden's shirt. She squealed and came to give me a hug. My mom was puzzled but all I said was, "Read Eden's shirt." She couldn't believe it either. My brother and dad both had very confused looks on their faces, even after we told them what Eden's shirt said, so I finally said it, "I'm pregnant." It was a great way to share the news.
Now, if only I didn't have this darn head cold that is making me SO miserable! Time to google and find out what I'm allowed to take for it! :0
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Finished 14 miles feeling good! (plus - another wardrobe issue!)
Two are better than one...
Definitely! I know I would not have had the gumption to get up and get out there and run 14 miles by myself. Thank you, Angie, for being such a great running partner! I brought the map with satellite shots of our mile markers, and she brought the watch with the interval beeps. I used my iPod to time our mile paces and overall times. I stashed bottles of water along our route before our run which worked out great.
This was the first time I've run the same route more than once just to get the mileage in. We had a 7.1 mile loop and ran it twice. Part of the route is a service road behind the airport that only has trees on each side. I was a bit concerned about running that portion in the dark (we started at 5:30 am), but by running the route in reverse the sun came up before we got to the service road.
It's amazing how the exertion increases so gradually during the run. Much like a sunrise. The first several miles are no problem. We're chatting and talking during our walks and during our runs. After 3-5 miles, it's a little tougher, but still feels fine. After 7-9, it's a bit tougher and we're talking less during our runs. From mile 10 on, our conversations are definitely staccato. I'm zoning out during the running minute, not saying a word. Angie tries to talk but then says, "I'll (huff) tell you (huff) in a (huff) minute." And then she laughs and says, "That saying was never more true!" Meanwhile, I start to say something and the watch beeps to run. After running, I can't remember what it was I was going to say!
We finished 13.5, but decided to run 1/2 mile more for a full 14. Something changed during that last half-mile, and I was done. It went from a 7 out of 10 exertion for me, to a 9. There definitely is a wall, and I had found it!
But thanks to the Galloway training, my wall is safely past the 13.1 mark. And as long as I stay about a 14 min/mile pace, I'll be fine. I do hope to finish before 3 hrs, and I think I'll be able to do it at the Seaside Half. Meanwhile, I have the Pensacola Beach Half in 2 weeks to practice.
I did have another object lesson concerning wardrobe. I wore a tanktop and started chaffing under my arms about mile 8 which I have NEVER done before. I soon was VERY thankful for my printed maps for a very different reason. I had to put half my maps under one arm, and half under the other. They stuck to my arms and protected them from my shirt. By the end of the run, they were shredded, falling apart and I had ink tatoos on my arms and shirt. But without the maps - I would've had SERIOUS problems instead of a minor irritation. SO - I will definitely use GLIDE in those areas and "try out" my shirt choice before the Seaside Half. Heck, I may even put a few of those big bandages in my pouch just in case. :)
Definitely! I know I would not have had the gumption to get up and get out there and run 14 miles by myself. Thank you, Angie, for being such a great running partner! I brought the map with satellite shots of our mile markers, and she brought the watch with the interval beeps. I used my iPod to time our mile paces and overall times. I stashed bottles of water along our route before our run which worked out great.
This was the first time I've run the same route more than once just to get the mileage in. We had a 7.1 mile loop and ran it twice. Part of the route is a service road behind the airport that only has trees on each side. I was a bit concerned about running that portion in the dark (we started at 5:30 am), but by running the route in reverse the sun came up before we got to the service road.
It's amazing how the exertion increases so gradually during the run. Much like a sunrise. The first several miles are no problem. We're chatting and talking during our walks and during our runs. After 3-5 miles, it's a little tougher, but still feels fine. After 7-9, it's a bit tougher and we're talking less during our runs. From mile 10 on, our conversations are definitely staccato. I'm zoning out during the running minute, not saying a word. Angie tries to talk but then says, "I'll (huff) tell you (huff) in a (huff) minute." And then she laughs and says, "That saying was never more true!" Meanwhile, I start to say something and the watch beeps to run. After running, I can't remember what it was I was going to say!
We finished 13.5, but decided to run 1/2 mile more for a full 14. Something changed during that last half-mile, and I was done. It went from a 7 out of 10 exertion for me, to a 9. There definitely is a wall, and I had found it!
But thanks to the Galloway training, my wall is safely past the 13.1 mark. And as long as I stay about a 14 min/mile pace, I'll be fine. I do hope to finish before 3 hrs, and I think I'll be able to do it at the Seaside Half. Meanwhile, I have the Pensacola Beach Half in 2 weeks to practice.
I did have another object lesson concerning wardrobe. I wore a tanktop and started chaffing under my arms about mile 8 which I have NEVER done before. I soon was VERY thankful for my printed maps for a very different reason. I had to put half my maps under one arm, and half under the other. They stuck to my arms and protected them from my shirt. By the end of the run, they were shredded, falling apart and I had ink tatoos on my arms and shirt. But without the maps - I would've had SERIOUS problems instead of a minor irritation. SO - I will definitely use GLIDE in those areas and "try out" my shirt choice before the Seaside Half. Heck, I may even put a few of those big bandages in my pouch just in case. :)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Here it comes!
Tomorrow - at 5:30 am... 13.5 miles. Alone. with Angie. She'll have to sing her 1980's sitcom lyrics by herself because I'm not familiar with them!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Jingle Bells
I can't believe I actually did TWO CrossFit WODs (Workouts of the Day) last week AND my two Galloway week-day runs. My Thursday run was only run 3 lightpoles, walk 1 lightpole instead of the 4:1 I was doing before - AND I stopped after 35 minutes instead of going 45 or 55. Thankfully, I have a 13.5 - 14 mile run coming up on FRIDAY MORNING, so I begged out of any CrossFit workouts this week so I can be ready!
Saturday I knew not to expect a PR because of the past week. Running 3.5 miles with the Galloway group before the race was still harder than normal - so I was especially glad that I had signed up for the race. The energy at the start is so invigorating! It's always great to start a race with the mass of people around you. :) You feel like you're a part of something bigger than yourself!
Naturally the group spread out quickly. I saw one father with an empty jogging stroller. His two girls were running at the time. "I'll be doing that soon with my two-year-old" I said. He responded, "I consider it to be a run / ride." That made me smile. Maybe I will not only take Eden to a Fun Run - but also consider bringing her to a few 5Ks when I'm not concerned about my time at all.
There was one teenage girl with her father who was having a rough time. I always see people, especially kids, suffering and I want to tell them all, "I'm running for 1 minute, walking for 1 minute. Do you want to run/walk with me?" But I never do. Well, this time, I mentioned run/walk to the young lady - and she took me up on it! A minute later, I heard her dad say, "ok... your minute starts... now!" And they started running. She kept it up to the end of the race and did pretty well. :) Consider recruiting people to the run/walk intervals during a race! It just might work! :)
There was a girl dressed up as a Christmas tree - and I was determined she wouldn't beat me. I caught up with her fairly easily. But once I did - she kept passing me again and again! I don't know if she sped up or if I had slowed down. But I decided she wouldn't beat me - and began to leave her behind. I always pick one person mid-race to catch or pass which makes me do better. Another reason to sign up and run!
I finished in 37:14 which is not a personal best. (Turkey Trot was 35:xx) But it WAS a decent time. At least - it was a 2nd best if you don't count my first ever race over a year ago. :) Races always encourage me that even if I'm not #1 at the moment - I'm a lot better off than not running at all. So I'm happy with my time.
Time to hydrate and sleep and prepare for my Friday morning run! I'm a bit nervous - but I suppose I have to take it 1 minute at a time! If anyone wants to join us - even for a portion of the route - let me know! It'd be a great encouragement. :) (Bikes are welcome too!!!)
Saturday I knew not to expect a PR because of the past week. Running 3.5 miles with the Galloway group before the race was still harder than normal - so I was especially glad that I had signed up for the race. The energy at the start is so invigorating! It's always great to start a race with the mass of people around you. :) You feel like you're a part of something bigger than yourself!
Naturally the group spread out quickly. I saw one father with an empty jogging stroller. His two girls were running at the time. "I'll be doing that soon with my two-year-old" I said. He responded, "I consider it to be a run / ride." That made me smile. Maybe I will not only take Eden to a Fun Run - but also consider bringing her to a few 5Ks when I'm not concerned about my time at all.
There was one teenage girl with her father who was having a rough time. I always see people, especially kids, suffering and I want to tell them all, "I'm running for 1 minute, walking for 1 minute. Do you want to run/walk with me?" But I never do. Well, this time, I mentioned run/walk to the young lady - and she took me up on it! A minute later, I heard her dad say, "ok... your minute starts... now!" And they started running. She kept it up to the end of the race and did pretty well. :) Consider recruiting people to the run/walk intervals during a race! It just might work! :)
There was a girl dressed up as a Christmas tree - and I was determined she wouldn't beat me. I caught up with her fairly easily. But once I did - she kept passing me again and again! I don't know if she sped up or if I had slowed down. But I decided she wouldn't beat me - and began to leave her behind. I always pick one person mid-race to catch or pass which makes me do better. Another reason to sign up and run!
I finished in 37:14 which is not a personal best. (Turkey Trot was 35:xx) But it WAS a decent time. At least - it was a 2nd best if you don't count my first ever race over a year ago. :) Races always encourage me that even if I'm not #1 at the moment - I'm a lot better off than not running at all. So I'm happy with my time.
Time to hydrate and sleep and prepare for my Friday morning run! I'm a bit nervous - but I suppose I have to take it 1 minute at a time! If anyone wants to join us - even for a portion of the route - let me know! It'd be a great encouragement. :) (Bikes are welcome too!!!)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
As If Running Wasn't Enough...
As if running wasn't enough, I have to add CrossFit workouts to my routine! My husband is starting this new method of training and I did my first two CrossFit workouts this week. I'm not sure what the neighbor thought as he pulled out of his driveway to see us in the street at 9 pm while I was performing kettlebell swings! Monday's workout was good: 10 rounds of run 50 m, 10 medicine ball squat & throws, run 50 m, 10 kettlebell swings. I did it in 20 minutes and was sore the next day - but it felt good to be sore.
Tuesday night I did my run - and felt like someone had pushed me back 4 months in my training! I couldn't run for 4 lightpoles. I had to start with running 2 lightpoles and worked up to 3 lightpoles. I could really tell the effect of Monday's workout on Tuesday's running. This is when I realized with this change in my routine, I'm probably NOT going to get a PR in Saturday's 5K.
Wednesday - well, it was tough. Joe wanted to put me through 75 air squats and 75 pushups - but was stunned to discover I can't do a single pushup and can only do 3 - 5 knee pushups. Plus, with all of the extra weight I carry, I can't do a single air squat or I fall over! So he had me do as many pushups as I could, then had me hold one as long as I could. It hurt. Then he had me hold a squat and do high-knees. That was repeated three times. It was only 12 minutes but felt like 20. When it was done, there were spots on the mat from my tears. It made me think, "Crying? There's no crying in CrossFit!" But yesterday there was. And the crazy thing is - Monday evening, I'll be doing it again.
Tuesday night I did my run - and felt like someone had pushed me back 4 months in my training! I couldn't run for 4 lightpoles. I had to start with running 2 lightpoles and worked up to 3 lightpoles. I could really tell the effect of Monday's workout on Tuesday's running. This is when I realized with this change in my routine, I'm probably NOT going to get a PR in Saturday's 5K.
Wednesday - well, it was tough. Joe wanted to put me through 75 air squats and 75 pushups - but was stunned to discover I can't do a single pushup and can only do 3 - 5 knee pushups. Plus, with all of the extra weight I carry, I can't do a single air squat or I fall over! So he had me do as many pushups as I could, then had me hold one as long as I could. It hurt. Then he had me hold a squat and do high-knees. That was repeated three times. It was only 12 minutes but felt like 20. When it was done, there were spots on the mat from my tears. It made me think, "Crying? There's no crying in CrossFit!" But yesterday there was. And the crazy thing is - Monday evening, I'll be doing it again.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Airport Loop
6 miles around the airport in my new running capris! After so many weeks of freezing cold weather, it was strange to be running in a fog (literally!) and to have your hair soaked from the humidity and sweat that couldn't evaporate. It was neat to run for a while with Iris and hear her Vegas stories. I especially love to hear stories about passing people around mile 20 that can barely move! This is NOT because I want people to suffer while running a marathon - but because it proves the intelligence of taking walk breaks from the beginning.
Jingle Bell Run next week - and then our last big long run. Angie and I are going to run by ourselves on Friday, December 21st because both of us will be traveling for Christmas on the 22nd and can't run with the group. I'm a little nervous about that run as we won't have our group leader and others to keep us going. But, perhaps its good for me, because I actually question whether or not I can run a Half without the group. Do I have the heart to keep going even when it hurts? stay tuned....
Jingle Bell Run next week - and then our last big long run. Angie and I are going to run by ourselves on Friday, December 21st because both of us will be traveling for Christmas on the 22nd and can't run with the group. I'm a little nervous about that run as we won't have our group leader and others to keep us going. But, perhaps its good for me, because I actually question whether or not I can run a Half without the group. Do I have the heart to keep going even when it hurts? stay tuned....
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Dragging Myself Back on the Road...
I hurt after the 12.5 mile run. I really hurt. It was not fun! So no wonder on Monday and Tuesday I didn't set my alarm and overslept! Maybe subconsciously I didn't want to get back out there and hurt again!
But I'd forgotten. I wasn't going to run 12 miles every morning. Only 45 - 55 minutes. About 4 miles. And I had forgotten how good that makes me feel.
So I went out there and did it on Thursday, and felt GREAT. So don't give up because of a hard, long run. That's why we don't do them every day.
But I'd forgotten. I wasn't going to run 12 miles every morning. Only 45 - 55 minutes. About 4 miles. And I had forgotten how good that makes me feel.
So I went out there and did it on Thursday, and felt GREAT. So don't give up because of a hard, long run. That's why we don't do them every day.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Wardrobe Malfunction at Mile 9
Last Saturday we ran 12.5 miles on the Blackwater Trail in Milton. I'd never been out there and it was a great trail. I hope to go out and bike with my family there someday.
It started easy. I've been running 2.5 minutes and then walking 1 minute at home, so running 1:1 seemed too easy. But that changes gradually mile after mile. All was normal the first half - then we turned around, did a few more miles, and things started getting strange... First it was the HeeHaw song, "You met another and pbbt! you were gone!" then the Green Acres theme song followed by the Facts of Life theme song and our group leader chimed in with "It's so hard to be humble - but I'm doing the best that I can!" Robin was the first to succumb to oxygen-deprivation to the brain and got quite giddy. Others followed suite and even I felt the effects.
It was somewhere around mile 9 that I noticed chaffing... I commented that I shouldn't be having chaffing issues while wearing capris. About that time, I checked and found out my 10 yr-old cotten "tights" that my mother had JUST turned into capris with pockets on the outsides had blown a hole up in the nether regions! Now exposed, the material on the other leg turned into sandpaper and was rubbing me raw with every step!
It was uncomfortable but gradually got more and more painful. When walking, I waddled from side to side to keep things apart. I even RAN from side to side for several minutes and discovered that is NOT the most efficient form of running! I had a long-sleeve t-shirt that was knotted around my waist. Relief finally came when I stopped and stuffed the sleeves of the t-shirt into the hole. That covered most everything and allowed me to finish with a normal stride. :)
(On hind-sight, I could've put my head-band earwarmers around my leg and that probably would've worked too!)
I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON! I was trying to save money and not buy expensive running pants. But, now I have to put a gauze over the wound and wrap it with tape to keep it in place while it heals. Thankfully, it didn't happen early in the run or it would've prevented me from finishing. We have enough to handle with hydration, nutrition and endurance without our gear causing more problems!
It started easy. I've been running 2.5 minutes and then walking 1 minute at home, so running 1:1 seemed too easy. But that changes gradually mile after mile. All was normal the first half - then we turned around, did a few more miles, and things started getting strange... First it was the HeeHaw song, "You met another and pbbt! you were gone!" then the Green Acres theme song followed by the Facts of Life theme song and our group leader chimed in with "It's so hard to be humble - but I'm doing the best that I can!" Robin was the first to succumb to oxygen-deprivation to the brain and got quite giddy. Others followed suite and even I felt the effects.
It was somewhere around mile 9 that I noticed chaffing... I commented that I shouldn't be having chaffing issues while wearing capris. About that time, I checked and found out my 10 yr-old cotten "tights" that my mother had JUST turned into capris with pockets on the outsides had blown a hole up in the nether regions! Now exposed, the material on the other leg turned into sandpaper and was rubbing me raw with every step!
It was uncomfortable but gradually got more and more painful. When walking, I waddled from side to side to keep things apart. I even RAN from side to side for several minutes and discovered that is NOT the most efficient form of running! I had a long-sleeve t-shirt that was knotted around my waist. Relief finally came when I stopped and stuffed the sleeves of the t-shirt into the hole. That covered most everything and allowed me to finish with a normal stride. :)
(On hind-sight, I could've put my head-band earwarmers around my leg and that probably would've worked too!)
I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON! I was trying to save money and not buy expensive running pants. But, now I have to put a gauze over the wound and wrap it with tape to keep it in place while it heals. Thankfully, it didn't happen early in the run or it would've prevented me from finishing. We have enough to handle with hydration, nutrition and endurance without our gear causing more problems!
Monday, November 19, 2007
3 Weeks of Running
Thanks, Kris for asking me if I was still running! (She asked because my blog hasn't been updated.) That was just the boost I needed to blog again. Yea! Somebody actually is reading my blog! :)
Nov 3rd I was hoping to run the Great Pumpkin Race. I really wanted a new PR. But at the last minute we drove to Huntsville, so I ran 6 miles by myself in Huntsville. Good news: I actually got out there and did it! :) Better news: I did it in 1:19:50 - 5 minutes faster than when I last ran those same 6 miles in September. Even Better news: I had satellite shots of my mile markers, so I gave myself a 3 mile race in the middle of the 6 miles... and I ran those 3 miles in 38 minutes. BEST NEWS: I pushed myself harder than I've ever done by myself, and after each walk break, I felt more refreshed than ever! I did better than ever and it was easier than ever. :)
Nov 10th I ran 11.25 miles - a new personal record for mileage! Also I had the fastest start ever - I was driving to the meeting place when I saw my running group going down the road. (I was 30 minutes late.) So I turned into the next parking lot of some apartments. Grabbed my car key and water, started to take off, then went back for my goo! I caught up with the group before the first mile marker. One person in my group turned around and saw me jogging with them, and did a double take! (That was funny!) It was a great 11 miles. We had great support (thanks Debi!) And at the end I just kept on running until I got back to my car. :) Total time was 2:30:-- . Unfortunately I lost my watch, so I also lost how I did each mile.
I was absolutely wiped the rest of the day. I guess it's just the mileage. 8 miles or more and I can write off the rest of the day... But maybe if I changed my eating.... (we'll see.)
On to November 17th! My watch is still lost - so I used my husband's that doesn't beep. I also listened to my iPod. There was one runner from our group in front of me for the first 1.5 miles. For some reason, I got mad! She was NOT going to stay in front of me! During the first mile, we kept do-si-do-ing. They'd run and get ahead of me, then walk and I'd run and get ahead of them, then I'd walk, etc. At the first mile marker, I was shocked: 11:22! That didn't seem right. But she was still ahead of me, so I stayed mad and pressed on. Gradually about 1.5, I was staying ahead. I tried to pick someone else from our Galloway group to catch up with (the lady with the white hat) but she and her group kept getting further and further away. Mile Marker 2: 23:00. Looking good! But the third mile really got me. I didn't have anyone to really try and catch. I tried to run for 2:1, but that didn't last - and so I abandoned the 1:1 intervals. I guess I should've stayed with the 1:1 intervals... I remember my phone ringing loudly at about 2.5 miles. I passed a race worker, smiled and said, "I'm not going to answer that!" :) There was one lady I didn't know with a bright green t-shirt. I thought I'd try and catch her, but with all of the twists and turns, it was hard to tell if I was gaining or not. Finally near the end of mile 3, I was almost on top of her. The last 0.1 mile, I ran and passed the lady with the green t-shirt! I almost feel guilty - but I love having competition in the last 0.1 mile! It feels good to pass somebody near the end!
The finish line time said 35:39! 2.5 minutes better than my prior of 39:09. 11:30 pace. I honestly was almost ready to quit running last week. I needed a good race and a good PR to keep me motivated! Now I know, DON'T SKIP THE RACE EVENTS! It's a great motivator.
Nov 3rd I was hoping to run the Great Pumpkin Race. I really wanted a new PR. But at the last minute we drove to Huntsville, so I ran 6 miles by myself in Huntsville. Good news: I actually got out there and did it! :) Better news: I did it in 1:19:50 - 5 minutes faster than when I last ran those same 6 miles in September. Even Better news: I had satellite shots of my mile markers, so I gave myself a 3 mile race in the middle of the 6 miles... and I ran those 3 miles in 38 minutes. BEST NEWS: I pushed myself harder than I've ever done by myself, and after each walk break, I felt more refreshed than ever! I did better than ever and it was easier than ever. :)
Nov 10th I ran 11.25 miles - a new personal record for mileage! Also I had the fastest start ever - I was driving to the meeting place when I saw my running group going down the road. (I was 30 minutes late.) So I turned into the next parking lot of some apartments. Grabbed my car key and water, started to take off, then went back for my goo! I caught up with the group before the first mile marker. One person in my group turned around and saw me jogging with them, and did a double take! (That was funny!) It was a great 11 miles. We had great support (thanks Debi!) And at the end I just kept on running until I got back to my car. :) Total time was 2:30:-- . Unfortunately I lost my watch, so I also lost how I did each mile.
I was absolutely wiped the rest of the day. I guess it's just the mileage. 8 miles or more and I can write off the rest of the day... But maybe if I changed my eating.... (we'll see.)
On to November 17th! My watch is still lost - so I used my husband's that doesn't beep. I also listened to my iPod. There was one runner from our group in front of me for the first 1.5 miles. For some reason, I got mad! She was NOT going to stay in front of me! During the first mile, we kept do-si-do-ing. They'd run and get ahead of me, then walk and I'd run and get ahead of them, then I'd walk, etc. At the first mile marker, I was shocked: 11:22! That didn't seem right. But she was still ahead of me, so I stayed mad and pressed on. Gradually about 1.5, I was staying ahead. I tried to pick someone else from our Galloway group to catch up with (the lady with the white hat) but she and her group kept getting further and further away. Mile Marker 2: 23:00. Looking good! But the third mile really got me. I didn't have anyone to really try and catch. I tried to run for 2:1, but that didn't last - and so I abandoned the 1:1 intervals. I guess I should've stayed with the 1:1 intervals... I remember my phone ringing loudly at about 2.5 miles. I passed a race worker, smiled and said, "I'm not going to answer that!" :) There was one lady I didn't know with a bright green t-shirt. I thought I'd try and catch her, but with all of the twists and turns, it was hard to tell if I was gaining or not. Finally near the end of mile 3, I was almost on top of her. The last 0.1 mile, I ran and passed the lady with the green t-shirt! I almost feel guilty - but I love having competition in the last 0.1 mile! It feels good to pass somebody near the end!
The finish line time said 35:39! 2.5 minutes better than my prior of 39:09. 11:30 pace. I honestly was almost ready to quit running last week. I needed a good race and a good PR to keep me motivated! Now I know, DON'T SKIP THE RACE EVENTS! It's a great motivator.
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Latest
Four weeks ago I ran 8.2 miles at a 14:30 pace. Two weeks ago I ran 8.7 miles at a 14:09 pace. This Saturday, it was 9 miles at 13:32 pace. Am I improving that much? Short answer: NO.
The first two runs I did on my own - except that I was joined by Logan's Full 1:1 group at the end of the 8.7 and in keeping up with them for the last few miles brought my time down to 14:09. This Saturday, my group ran with Logan's Full 1:1 group the entire time (except they did the loop twice - and we only did it once.) I knew they were going too fast - even the walk breaks were at breakneck speed. I ended up very sluggish all day Sat and Sun. I wasn't energized, I was drained.
My run this morning was 45 minutes at 2:1 intervals. But I started out just shuffling. Barely a run. I still haven't fully recovered from Saturday. BUT at least I was out there!
I'm really looking forward to Saturday's 5K. I'm hoping to break my 38 minute personal record. Eden's best friend will spend the night with us Friday night. That will be FUN! (She's 2 1/2.) And I can't wait to see them run in the Fun Run after the 5K. Eden will just be ecstatic to be running with other people! (And when she's tired, I'll scoop her up and walk back. ) :) I'll try to take my camera and take pictures of her in her first "race" :)
The first two runs I did on my own - except that I was joined by Logan's Full 1:1 group at the end of the 8.7 and in keeping up with them for the last few miles brought my time down to 14:09. This Saturday, my group ran with Logan's Full 1:1 group the entire time (except they did the loop twice - and we only did it once.) I knew they were going too fast - even the walk breaks were at breakneck speed. I ended up very sluggish all day Sat and Sun. I wasn't energized, I was drained.
My run this morning was 45 minutes at 2:1 intervals. But I started out just shuffling. Barely a run. I still haven't fully recovered from Saturday. BUT at least I was out there!
I'm really looking forward to Saturday's 5K. I'm hoping to break my 38 minute personal record. Eden's best friend will spend the night with us Friday night. That will be FUN! (She's 2 1/2.) And I can't wait to see them run in the Fun Run after the 5K. Eden will just be ecstatic to be running with other people! (And when she's tired, I'll scoop her up and walk back. ) :) I'll try to take my camera and take pictures of her in her first "race" :)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
It's Cold in the Mornings...
This is the time of year that every runner waits for - fall! It has finally arrived in Florida. The moment the temperature dips below 70, I have to get out my trusty, ugly earbands and wear them faithfully until spring. (earbands? well - I don't know what else to call them. They're like big, fluffy headbands that cover your ears.) I've always had sensitive ears that ache when they get cold. Any little bit of cold. 69 degrees out? I have to have my earbands.
No chance of heat exhaustion this Saturday! It was COLD! :) I loved the feel of the air biting through my tank and long t-shirt, nipping at my knees, pretending to be an enemy - but I would convert it into a friend. About mile 5 I took of my t-shirt and ran in my tank - rejoicing in the bite again.
I ran 8.7 miles, mostly by myself. I don't know why I don't get bored. Maybe with the busy, hectic life, it's mentally the only unstructured time I have. No ipod for me. Not even tiresome conversation. Just the joy of a child with a blank piece of paper and a crayon. (Is this why my daughter draws a few lines then goes to another sheet?) What did I think about? I have NO idea! I'm just glad I did it. (And THANKFUL to the Lord above that I was able to do it! Logistics have been crazy this week. In fact, I went to bed Friday night sure I wasn't going to. But when I awoke at 5:15 AM to give my daughter her blanket and was wide awake and felt fine... I decided to go ahead. :)
Next weekend is my "Magic Mile" - the real test to see how much I've improved over the last two months. :) The time to beat: 11:22. I should blow past it as I didn't push hard enough when I set the 11:22 last time. I want to make it under 10. That's a 12% reduction. Well - at least 10:30. :)
No chance of heat exhaustion this Saturday! It was COLD! :) I loved the feel of the air biting through my tank and long t-shirt, nipping at my knees, pretending to be an enemy - but I would convert it into a friend. About mile 5 I took of my t-shirt and ran in my tank - rejoicing in the bite again.
I ran 8.7 miles, mostly by myself. I don't know why I don't get bored. Maybe with the busy, hectic life, it's mentally the only unstructured time I have. No ipod for me. Not even tiresome conversation. Just the joy of a child with a blank piece of paper and a crayon. (Is this why my daughter draws a few lines then goes to another sheet?) What did I think about? I have NO idea! I'm just glad I did it. (And THANKFUL to the Lord above that I was able to do it! Logistics have been crazy this week. In fact, I went to bed Friday night sure I wasn't going to. But when I awoke at 5:15 AM to give my daughter her blanket and was wide awake and felt fine... I decided to go ahead. :)
Next weekend is my "Magic Mile" - the real test to see how much I've improved over the last two months. :) The time to beat: 11:22. I should blow past it as I didn't push hard enough when I set the 11:22 last time. I want to make it under 10. That's a 12% reduction. Well - at least 10:30. :)
Monday, October 8, 2007
Running through the Rain
We ran 4 miles on Saturday and I was struggling about mile 2.5. That let me know that I need to take my week-day runs seriously in order to be ready for the 8.5 miler coming up this weekend. After one week off due to a stomach bug and another scaled-back week due to a cold, I have to press on to regain the level of conditioning that I need.
LOTS OF WATER this week! That is the goal. I really enjoy my morning "Cubicle Mocha" which I make with one coffee cup of coffee and one packet of Swiss Miss Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa mix. :) Yum! But with all that caffeine - I have to really drink my water during the rest of the day!
Diet? Oh - let's not talk about diet. (Birthday party last Saturday, and of course, I go to a cake shoppe with "to-die-for" buttercream icing!!) I'm in the process of developing my 5-year plan. Year 1: Finish a Half-marathon. Year 2: Do two or three more Halfs and start considering a Full. Year 3: A full Marathon. (Disney?) Maybe Year 4: New York Marathon. Meanwhile, during Year 1, I want to keep setting new PRs during the local 5Ks and during Year 2, I want to set challenging time goals for those Halfs and make it. I figure somewhere in there, I will improve as much as I can on my current diet, and then, I'll improve my diet so I can continue improving in my races. :) I can never improve diet for diet's sake alone. I always have to have a "bigger vision"!
I did get up and run this morning. 3 Cadence drills and 3 Acceleration Gliders. Plus more of a race-pace and at 1:15 sec of running / 1 min of walking. :) Faster, faster, faster. I need to get faster! (I'm such a wimp when it comes to discomfort!) I think next week I may try 1:30 of running and 1 min of walking.
LOTS OF WATER this week! That is the goal. I really enjoy my morning "Cubicle Mocha" which I make with one coffee cup of coffee and one packet of Swiss Miss Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa mix. :) Yum! But with all that caffeine - I have to really drink my water during the rest of the day!
Diet? Oh - let's not talk about diet. (Birthday party last Saturday, and of course, I go to a cake shoppe with "to-die-for" buttercream icing!!) I'm in the process of developing my 5-year plan. Year 1: Finish a Half-marathon. Year 2: Do two or three more Halfs and start considering a Full. Year 3: A full Marathon. (Disney?) Maybe Year 4: New York Marathon. Meanwhile, during Year 1, I want to keep setting new PRs during the local 5Ks and during Year 2, I want to set challenging time goals for those Halfs and make it. I figure somewhere in there, I will improve as much as I can on my current diet, and then, I'll improve my diet so I can continue improving in my races. :) I can never improve diet for diet's sake alone. I always have to have a "bigger vision"!
I did get up and run this morning. 3 Cadence drills and 3 Acceleration Gliders. Plus more of a race-pace and at 1:15 sec of running / 1 min of walking. :) Faster, faster, faster. I need to get faster! (I'm such a wimp when it comes to discomfort!) I think next week I may try 1:30 of running and 1 min of walking.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A little run and a little better. :)
The one good thing about my daughter waking up so many times during the night is she helped me not to oversleep (I was up anyway!) and get my run in this morning. I pushed a little harder and my cold is MUCH better. However, my shins were killing me! I probably need to get fitted for shoes again as this has only occurred after getting my last pair of shoes.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Back on Track... and Confirmation
After taking the week off, I completed my first solo 8 miler. It was 8.22 miles in 1:59:29. (14:32 pace). I did it without an ipod and amazingly didn't go crazy with boredom! What was I thinking about during that time? I have no idea. Sometimes on a downhill, it was how good I felt. On the uphills - I was thinking about Hill Difficulty (Pilgrim's Progress). After 5 miles, why did my face feel funny? (It was dry - there was no more sweat on my face) Was I going to be able to finish after my week off? Then as the sun went down, I just wanted to be back in the neighborhoods again and off the busy street - and why was that guy standing at his doorway just looking out? Is he some pervert that's going to follow me? Then it was relief at finding sprinklers going so I could cool down. The challenge of looking at my map underneath streetlights to find my way - ah! Another sprinkler! I drank the last drop of the water I carried, filled up my bottle from the sprinkler and poured it over my head. Several more pours and I was soaked! I was at the end before I realized it as I had missed a dogleg earlier. I was going to walk the rest of the way, but when I saw my watch said 1:58:02 - I decided to run so I could stand in the same spot I started my watch and stop it officially under 2 hours. :) And I did!
The most amazing thing I've discovered is: it's no big deal to go out and run/walk 8 miles. All I have to do is pick a route and go do it! It's only one step at a time! Literally!
On another note, I was surfing and found video online from a Prefontaine movie. They showed a rock, apparently at the place Pre died, painted with the date of his death. 5-30-75. I checked another website and confirmed that is the date Prefontaine died in the early morning hours. I am taking this as confirmation that running is something I'm supposed to do. I was born on 5-30-75.
The most amazing thing I've discovered is: it's no big deal to go out and run/walk 8 miles. All I have to do is pick a route and go do it! It's only one step at a time! Literally!
On another note, I was surfing and found video online from a Prefontaine movie. They showed a rock, apparently at the place Pre died, painted with the date of his death. 5-30-75. I checked another website and confirmed that is the date Prefontaine died in the early morning hours. I am taking this as confirmation that running is something I'm supposed to do. I was born on 5-30-75.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A little Seafood & a little ER...
This past weekend was the Seafood Festival 5K. Even with Tropical Depression #10 headed straight to Pensacola, I was determined to run as the Seafood Festival was my first 5K ever last year. :) And yes, I was even going to run with my dear daughter, rain or shine. :)
At 3:30 am - it was pouring! But by 5 am it had stopped and the radar showed the worst of it was over. The race was gorgeous with a great cool breeze - much, much cooler than the Seafood 5K of last year!
I was talked into becoming a coach at the last minute (right at the starting line) and tried to coach two fellow Galloway runners, Lou & Christine to a sub 40 minute finish - but none of us made it! My time ended up being 41:32 - worse than my first run ever of last year... BUT none of that compares with helping Lou & Christine make it to the finish line in just over 42 minutes!
I do know one thing, though. I am NOT a natural coach! I can't think of anything encouraging to say - and felt like everything I said probably only made their run worse!
But - I was the first stroller to finish - probably thanks to the Tropical Depression and lower turnout. :) Still, it was nice to dream that maybe they'd have a stroller division one day. :)
That was Saturday and Sunday morning I awoke, took my walk, did all my wifely and mother duties all day long and went to bed exhausted. (Can you really feel like you've done well in a day if you DON'T go to bed exhausted?) - only to wake up at 3:30 am with a nasty, nasty bug! Yep, had to call my babysitter to come get my daughter while my husband took me to the ER!
Needless to say, I was off of work Monday and Tuesday and did not get my first run in this week. :) I'm still rather weak and am facing a 7.5 mile Trail run this weekend. But - despite Eden's 2nd Birthday Party on Saturday, and the fact that her best friend will be spending the night on Friday - I am still going to go to the run. :) Bugspray and scenery. yippee! I'll just take it slow - but one step at a time, we'll get there!
(Didn't I say that it would be all of the off-road events - not the on-road ones - that would be the challenges?)
At 3:30 am - it was pouring! But by 5 am it had stopped and the radar showed the worst of it was over. The race was gorgeous with a great cool breeze - much, much cooler than the Seafood 5K of last year!
I was talked into becoming a coach at the last minute (right at the starting line) and tried to coach two fellow Galloway runners, Lou & Christine to a sub 40 minute finish - but none of us made it! My time ended up being 41:32 - worse than my first run ever of last year... BUT none of that compares with helping Lou & Christine make it to the finish line in just over 42 minutes!
I do know one thing, though. I am NOT a natural coach! I can't think of anything encouraging to say - and felt like everything I said probably only made their run worse!
But - I was the first stroller to finish - probably thanks to the Tropical Depression and lower turnout. :) Still, it was nice to dream that maybe they'd have a stroller division one day. :)
That was Saturday and Sunday morning I awoke, took my walk, did all my wifely and mother duties all day long and went to bed exhausted. (Can you really feel like you've done well in a day if you DON'T go to bed exhausted?) - only to wake up at 3:30 am with a nasty, nasty bug! Yep, had to call my babysitter to come get my daughter while my husband took me to the ER!
Needless to say, I was off of work Monday and Tuesday and did not get my first run in this week. :) I'm still rather weak and am facing a 7.5 mile Trail run this weekend. But - despite Eden's 2nd Birthday Party on Saturday, and the fact that her best friend will be spending the night on Friday - I am still going to go to the run. :) Bugspray and scenery. yippee! I'll just take it slow - but one step at a time, we'll get there!
(Didn't I say that it would be all of the off-road events - not the on-road ones - that would be the challenges?)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Just out for a walk...
Today I was deeply mired in the Slough of Despond - but went for a 50 minute walk just before sunset and it really cleared the cobwebs out of my head. Jeff Galloway told me that forward motion helps the mind stay positive. I'm even considering leaving work to go home, eat dinner at home, do some laundry and get prepared for my 30 minute run in the morning. We're assigned certain pages out of the Galloway Training book to read and I have a lot of catch-up reading to do as I haven't done it for 3 weeks!
I've been in the habit of running my weekday runs at the same pace as my weekend runs. And that will keep me a slow runner. I need to up the pace, add acceleration gliders, do the turnover drills, and aim for a 2:1 interval on Mondays and Wednesdays. (I found out on Saturday that I was the only one in my pace group who wasn't doing 2:1s during the week.)
So, I think I will head home, move the laundry ahead, make some dinner, and curl up to read and plan my workouts for the week. Keep moving!
I've been in the habit of running my weekday runs at the same pace as my weekend runs. And that will keep me a slow runner. I need to up the pace, add acceleration gliders, do the turnover drills, and aim for a 2:1 interval on Mondays and Wednesdays. (I found out on Saturday that I was the only one in my pace group who wasn't doing 2:1s during the week.)
So, I think I will head home, move the laundry ahead, make some dinner, and curl up to read and plan my workouts for the week. Keep moving!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Still in the Running
It's a bit of an understatement to say life has been busy. It has been full-out non-stop at home and at work. (Well, truthfully, home has taken a back seat to work. It's Saturday today and I'm about to go back to work for the 2nd time today. ) The biggest blessing is that my daughter is with my in-laws right now. That's the only reason I have the time to pause and post my first blog in two weeks.
I may have paused in my blogging, but I haven't paused in my running. I ran my 2nd solo run last weekend in Huntsville, Alabama (where my in-laws live) running 6 miles in 1 hour and 24 minutes. (a 14:06 pace) The scenery was great. The hills were much bigger than anything in Florida, and the feeling of accomplishment was wonderful. It's SO easy to just go out there and do it when you don't allow the mental back-and-forth of "Should I? But I don't want to..." I don't have time for mental indecision. Life's too busy. Get out there and run, or go do the laundry. (I'd rather run.)
With my dear daughter out of town, I joined the Galloway group for the run this morning. I am so glad I did. All of the reasons I want to run with the group were in effect this morning: motivation to get the run in early in the weekend, people to talk to during the run, running a new route I've never run before. We ran 6.9 miles in 1 hour & 45 minutes. (A 15:11 pace.) I'd never run the Barrancas Bridge before - that was impressive.
The best moment of the run was when a co-runner (who shall remain anonymous) enlightened another member of the group as to why she had fallen behind several blocks before, "I HAD TO PEE!" ... and then she realized she'd left her shirt behind, too. :) At least it got your mind off of the run. :)
A show of my committment came when it was 8 am and I was supposed to be on a conference call for work - but I was still on Pace Blvd just about to turn to Garden Street. Not knowing the planned mileage for the day until we were already on the run, I had thought we would've been done before 8. But I improvised, pulling out my cell phone, dialing the conference call number, and participating in the call while running down Garden Street. (I also went straight to my cubicle after the run and worked for several hours before going home for lunch and a shower. It's a good thing no one is there on Saturdays. I wouldn't have made many friends the way I smelled!)
But this is a great example of what my half-marathon training is all about: setting a goal, achieving it one day at a time, improvising when necessary, and not giving up! I'm not doing it perfectly (only put in one weekday run instead of two for the past two weeks) but I haven't given up either. I was still out there this morning and 7 miles is 7 miles and something to be proud about. Keep running!
I may have paused in my blogging, but I haven't paused in my running. I ran my 2nd solo run last weekend in Huntsville, Alabama (where my in-laws live) running 6 miles in 1 hour and 24 minutes. (a 14:06 pace) The scenery was great. The hills were much bigger than anything in Florida, and the feeling of accomplishment was wonderful. It's SO easy to just go out there and do it when you don't allow the mental back-and-forth of "Should I? But I don't want to..." I don't have time for mental indecision. Life's too busy. Get out there and run, or go do the laundry. (I'd rather run.)
With my dear daughter out of town, I joined the Galloway group for the run this morning. I am so glad I did. All of the reasons I want to run with the group were in effect this morning: motivation to get the run in early in the weekend, people to talk to during the run, running a new route I've never run before. We ran 6.9 miles in 1 hour & 45 minutes. (A 15:11 pace.) I'd never run the Barrancas Bridge before - that was impressive.
The best moment of the run was when a co-runner (who shall remain anonymous) enlightened another member of the group as to why she had fallen behind several blocks before, "I HAD TO PEE!" ... and then she realized she'd left her shirt behind, too. :) At least it got your mind off of the run. :)
A show of my committment came when it was 8 am and I was supposed to be on a conference call for work - but I was still on Pace Blvd just about to turn to Garden Street. Not knowing the planned mileage for the day until we were already on the run, I had thought we would've been done before 8. But I improvised, pulling out my cell phone, dialing the conference call number, and participating in the call while running down Garden Street. (I also went straight to my cubicle after the run and worked for several hours before going home for lunch and a shower. It's a good thing no one is there on Saturdays. I wouldn't have made many friends the way I smelled!)
But this is a great example of what my half-marathon training is all about: setting a goal, achieving it one day at a time, improvising when necessary, and not giving up! I'm not doing it perfectly (only put in one weekday run instead of two for the past two weeks) but I haven't given up either. I was still out there this morning and 7 miles is 7 miles and something to be proud about. Keep running!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Solo at Sunset
Yesterday I ran my first solo run. I searched for local routes at www.usatf.org/routes and picked one that was four miles. I packed Eden up after her nap and we drove down to the end of Palafox. I'd never been to the end of Palafox before. I didn't know that it's a nice little park where people go fishing and you can walk on the pier. I ran from there to the beginning of the Gulf Breeze-Pensacola bridge.
The first mile was very hard. My calves were tight and my feet were hurting. Wednesday had been my last run - so this was four days later. Maybe I waited too long? Or maybe I went out too fast? I greatly shortened my stride both running and walking - and after the first 20 minutes were over, it wasn't so difficult.
It was hot! And the little breeze that was there was going the same direction I was - so I couldn't feel it at all! :) I thought running on the water would affort a bit of breeze - but it was just hot and still. I made it to the bridge after 30 minutes and it was just neat to nod "hi" to the people fishing and think to myself, "I made it all the way over here on my own two feet!" The sun disappeared behind the clouds just after I turned around, so we weren't blinded by a sunset as we made our way back. (And now the breeze was not going my way, so I got to enjoy it a bit!)
Eden literally had her dinner on the run! She ate 1/2 of a PB&J during mile 1. Lima beans during mile 2. The 2nd half of the PB&J on mile 3 and topped it off with way too many grapes on mile 4. Yep, she was happy!
I had brought my iPod and put it on at mile 3 - but I couldn't hear her if she talked to me - so I turned it off. But I gave her a hand-held tape recorder with her sitter, Mary, singing songs on it - so we were jamming to "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" as we ran down Main Street.
All in all it was a good run. The surprising thing is that I did it. I really went out there, got in the car, drove to my run, and ran it! I made the route, made the appointment with myself, arranged my day around it, and did it! I feel like Eden who constantly says now, "I did it! Mommy, I did it!" :) I do have to thank the Galloway Group for helping me see the importance of getting out of my neighborhood and running new routes. It removes the mental cobwebs.
Maybe, just maybe, I can do this thing on my own. (And maybe my nutrition will catch up with my aspirations, too!) Thank you for your support.
The first mile was very hard. My calves were tight and my feet were hurting. Wednesday had been my last run - so this was four days later. Maybe I waited too long? Or maybe I went out too fast? I greatly shortened my stride both running and walking - and after the first 20 minutes were over, it wasn't so difficult.
It was hot! And the little breeze that was there was going the same direction I was - so I couldn't feel it at all! :) I thought running on the water would affort a bit of breeze - but it was just hot and still. I made it to the bridge after 30 minutes and it was just neat to nod "hi" to the people fishing and think to myself, "I made it all the way over here on my own two feet!" The sun disappeared behind the clouds just after I turned around, so we weren't blinded by a sunset as we made our way back. (And now the breeze was not going my way, so I got to enjoy it a bit!)
Eden literally had her dinner on the run! She ate 1/2 of a PB&J during mile 1. Lima beans during mile 2. The 2nd half of the PB&J on mile 3 and topped it off with way too many grapes on mile 4. Yep, she was happy!
I had brought my iPod and put it on at mile 3 - but I couldn't hear her if she talked to me - so I turned it off. But I gave her a hand-held tape recorder with her sitter, Mary, singing songs on it - so we were jamming to "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" as we ran down Main Street.
All in all it was a good run. The surprising thing is that I did it. I really went out there, got in the car, drove to my run, and ran it! I made the route, made the appointment with myself, arranged my day around it, and did it! I feel like Eden who constantly says now, "I did it! Mommy, I did it!" :) I do have to thank the Galloway Group for helping me see the importance of getting out of my neighborhood and running new routes. It removes the mental cobwebs.
Maybe, just maybe, I can do this thing on my own. (And maybe my nutrition will catch up with my aspirations, too!) Thank you for your support.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
And the Route Turns a Blind Corner...
I’ve just been told by the Galloway Running Group that I cannot bring my daughter to the group runs anymore. It’s an issue of liability which I totally understand. However, I only have two days a week with her as it is, and I’m not willing to reduce it further. I was just renewing my commitment to the training, and was really looking forward to the comraderie with our new pace groups which was to start this Saturday. I knew that my biggest challenges in this endeavor were going to be “offroad” (as in the logistics behind the training) - I just didn't know what those challenges were going to be. I’ve already signed up for the Seaside Half-Marathon and am committed to completing it. I will just have to take my training one run at a time. Please lift me up in prayer as I seek the Lord’s direction on how to continue my training.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Another Run, Another Penny
I was asked on Saturday during our run why my blog was "Running for Pennies." My subtitle is "A story about change." I chose that title for two reasons: 1) I don't believe that running is going to change my life. I believe that running is going to change me, and when I am changed, my life will naturally change. 2) A million dollars is just a bunch of pennies all hanging out together. Every run, every day is important and it all adds up.
I also have a row of pennies that I am taping to my cubicle for each run. When I get my digital camera fixed, I post a picture of them.
Saturday's run was great - of course! Eden was a doll again, but I'm wondering how long it's going to last. :) Maybe I should start packing a book for when she gets bored!
It seemed like we had even more people than last time. I'm so glad for that! A friend of mine who runs regularly came out and tried the 5 mile group. She said the company was great - it was a good pace with good people and good conversation. Everybody was upbeat and uplifting. I hear that this is generally true of runners. Maybe it's all the good endorphins. Maybe it's the habit of getting up early and accomplishing something significant before others get out of bed. I don't know what it is - but runners are generally upbeat people. It's great to get out every week and immerse yourself into it.
Next week we have our Magic Mile at the UWF track. That'll be verry interresting! After that we'll be divided into our pace groups and this is when we'll be able to really stay together as a group, get to know each other and support each other. Angie's been my running buddy the last two mornings - I hope she's in my group! :)
I also have a row of pennies that I am taping to my cubicle for each run. When I get my digital camera fixed, I post a picture of them.
Saturday's run was great - of course! Eden was a doll again, but I'm wondering how long it's going to last. :) Maybe I should start packing a book for when she gets bored!
It seemed like we had even more people than last time. I'm so glad for that! A friend of mine who runs regularly came out and tried the 5 mile group. She said the company was great - it was a good pace with good people and good conversation. Everybody was upbeat and uplifting. I hear that this is generally true of runners. Maybe it's all the good endorphins. Maybe it's the habit of getting up early and accomplishing something significant before others get out of bed. I don't know what it is - but runners are generally upbeat people. It's great to get out every week and immerse yourself into it.
Next week we have our Magic Mile at the UWF track. That'll be verry interresting! After that we'll be divided into our pace groups and this is when we'll be able to really stay together as a group, get to know each other and support each other. Angie's been my running buddy the last two mornings - I hope she's in my group! :)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Our First Group Run
It's been an amazing weekend! :) I was able to run on Thursday morning, earning my 3rd penny - and my 4th on Saturday when Eden and I joined the Galloway group. What an amazing morning. I was stunned at the number of people who showed up - most of whom I've never seen before. It was hot! And we went slow; the 1:1 newbies only ran 3 miles - but I barely even noticed it, I was so excited to meet new people and get to know them. :) Eden was a gem, just rode along and took in the scenary, stubbornly holding onto half a banana the entire time. I finally threw it away at the end and gave her Cheerios instead. But then she spilled some and bent down to pick them up and put them back in her cup. :)
There was a stark contrast on the faces of the group both before and after our run. Veteran members were smiling, happy to see each other, and joking around. The uninitiated were restrained, perhaps wondering if it was going to be difficult, would there be a place for them in this group, would this running deliver on the promises of feeling good afterwards? I noticed that most people arrived in pairs and I assumed had signed up with a friend. That is great if your friend sticks with it - but I hope each one finds the determination to say, "I'll do it even if my friend doesn't." And yes, there will be a place for you in the group - but only you can create that place - by continuing to come!
I wanted to encourage everybody - and so freely told my story of participating last year and then quitting. I wanted them to know the pull of those elements which have caused me to return. Life is better when running! Much better in many, many ways.
And to continue my discussion of why I quit last year - I think I was looking for the easy way to success. (Who isn't?) I was too dependent upon my neighborhood friend to run with me in the mornings. I wanted to lean on her for motivation - and so fell short when she wasn't available to run with me on M & W. But you can't rely on someone else - not for motivation to achieve a goal and especially not for running. The beauty of running is you can do it in a group, and you can do it alone. You can do it at home, and you can do it on a business trip. You can do it in the morning, or in the evening. No equipment required except a good pair of shoes - and those can be packed in any carry-on! I discovered the joy of taking running with me when I ran on Hwy 98 in Biloxi after staying the night to visit my dad in the hospital about a month ago. It was especially joyous and resulted in and a good afterglow because I didn't let the sudden change in plans disrupt my Monday run. I was able to explore someplace new - someplace I'm likely to never run again.
After the run, I returned home to chores, chores and more chores! And here is where the best part of running materializes. Running gives me a boost into my day and propels me forward into my tasks. It's as if the physical act of moving forward and forward again and not giving in even when I'm tired and hot teaches me a new attitude that I take home to my chores. I was relentless at tackling the laundry and that mound of dirty dishes in the kitchen too. I didn't take a nap but pressed on and was rewarded with the greatest historic moment of the past 6 months: as of 9 pm last night, laundry was D O N E (and the kitchen clean, and two meals prepared that day, and lunch made for the next day, and breakfast too, and... and... ) This is why I say that running is not going to change my life, but running is going to change me, and I will then change my life. I like what running does for me - so I'm just going to keep on doing it!
I hope you will stick with it too and see what it'll do for you.
There was a stark contrast on the faces of the group both before and after our run. Veteran members were smiling, happy to see each other, and joking around. The uninitiated were restrained, perhaps wondering if it was going to be difficult, would there be a place for them in this group, would this running deliver on the promises of feeling good afterwards? I noticed that most people arrived in pairs and I assumed had signed up with a friend. That is great if your friend sticks with it - but I hope each one finds the determination to say, "I'll do it even if my friend doesn't." And yes, there will be a place for you in the group - but only you can create that place - by continuing to come!
I wanted to encourage everybody - and so freely told my story of participating last year and then quitting. I wanted them to know the pull of those elements which have caused me to return. Life is better when running! Much better in many, many ways.
And to continue my discussion of why I quit last year - I think I was looking for the easy way to success. (Who isn't?) I was too dependent upon my neighborhood friend to run with me in the mornings. I wanted to lean on her for motivation - and so fell short when she wasn't available to run with me on M & W. But you can't rely on someone else - not for motivation to achieve a goal and especially not for running. The beauty of running is you can do it in a group, and you can do it alone. You can do it at home, and you can do it on a business trip. You can do it in the morning, or in the evening. No equipment required except a good pair of shoes - and those can be packed in any carry-on! I discovered the joy of taking running with me when I ran on Hwy 98 in Biloxi after staying the night to visit my dad in the hospital about a month ago. It was especially joyous and resulted in and a good afterglow because I didn't let the sudden change in plans disrupt my Monday run. I was able to explore someplace new - someplace I'm likely to never run again.
After the run, I returned home to chores, chores and more chores! And here is where the best part of running materializes. Running gives me a boost into my day and propels me forward into my tasks. It's as if the physical act of moving forward and forward again and not giving in even when I'm tired and hot teaches me a new attitude that I take home to my chores. I was relentless at tackling the laundry and that mound of dirty dishes in the kitchen too. I didn't take a nap but pressed on and was rewarded with the greatest historic moment of the past 6 months: as of 9 pm last night, laundry was D O N E (and the kitchen clean, and two meals prepared that day, and lunch made for the next day, and breakfast too, and... and... ) This is why I say that running is not going to change my life, but running is going to change me, and I will then change my life. I like what running does for me - so I'm just going to keep on doing it!
I hope you will stick with it too and see what it'll do for you.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Off-Road Challenges
Logistics sunk the South. Likewise, this race will probably be won or lost on one simple question: Can I pull myself away from everything and simply GO TO BED ON TIME? I awoke an hour late this morning because I stayed up too late. It's tougher now because my husband is working midnights this month, and has to have all the lights on in our room to get dressed and ready. It's a perfect chance, in fact our only chance, to spend a bit of time together and catch up with each other.
Nevertheless - I have made a committment. I totally understand and give my husband the grace to put our relationship on the backburner while he is undergoing his training. Likewise, he has said he supports my running and wants me to continue. So I NEED TO GO TO BED ON TIME, and to do that, I'll just have to move into the guest bedroom while he's on midnights. Anyway, that's my goal tonight. Because - you can bet your shiny booties that if I don't - I won't be up at 4 am for my 30 minute treadmill run!
Nevertheless - I have made a committment. I totally understand and give my husband the grace to put our relationship on the backburner while he is undergoing his training. Likewise, he has said he supports my running and wants me to continue. So I NEED TO GO TO BED ON TIME, and to do that, I'll just have to move into the guest bedroom while he's on midnights. Anyway, that's my goal tonight. Because - you can bet your shiny booties that if I don't - I won't be up at 4 am for my 30 minute treadmill run!
Monday, August 6, 2007
The First Monday Morning
Today was my first Monday 'get-out-of-bed-and-get-on-the-treadmill-because-you-made-a-committment' workout. It took me 30 minutes to get there. Last night I read about Jeff Galloway's "Dirty Tricks" and did one of them this morning. He says the Left Brain will give you all sorts of reasons not to workout. So to silence it, for example, if you're coming home from a hard day's work, you might tell yourself, "I'm just going to change into some comfortable clothes and lounge around the house" - which of course, end up being your comfortable running clothes and shoes. Then you tell yourself, "I'm just going to step outside and see what the weather is like" after which you say, "I'll walk down the street and see what the neighbors are doing" and then "I'll go across the street..." and bam - you've tricked your Left Brain into staying silent so you could get out and run!
I had to do that this morning by saying, "I'm just going to get dressed in my workout clothes" (after all I left them out all neatly last night. It would be a shame to let them sit unused.) Then, "I'll just do a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill." And I ended up doing my entire 30 minute run at a 1:1 interval. (That's 1 minute of running, 1 minute of waking)
I felt great after I finished and even continued to do my situps and stretched though I was already late. :) One of the key reasons I quit last year was because I did not enjoy my weekday runs. I tried to make every weekday run a race, and never allowed myself to recover. Well, I ran a hard race on Saturday and I know I haven't recovered, so I took it easy today and it felt good.
I need to keep looking forward to Wednesday and looking forward to Saturday! I can't wait to meet the 15 new people we have in our Galloway Running Group. They're in for an adventure!
I had to do that this morning by saying, "I'm just going to get dressed in my workout clothes" (after all I left them out all neatly last night. It would be a shame to let them sit unused.) Then, "I'll just do a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill." And I ended up doing my entire 30 minute run at a 1:1 interval. (That's 1 minute of running, 1 minute of waking)
I felt great after I finished and even continued to do my situps and stretched though I was already late. :) One of the key reasons I quit last year was because I did not enjoy my weekday runs. I tried to make every weekday run a race, and never allowed myself to recover. Well, I ran a hard race on Saturday and I know I haven't recovered, so I took it easy today and it felt good.
I need to keep looking forward to Wednesday and looking forward to Saturday! I can't wait to meet the 15 new people we have in our Galloway Running Group. They're in for an adventure!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
The First Cent
Saturday I woke up before the sun, threw on my running gear, got the baby up, dressed her, and was out the door. My body was tired. But it was great to pick up my friend, Becky, whom I had not seen in quite a while and drive to Gulf Breeze for the Bushwacker 5K.
We saw the sun peek above the horizon on the bridge over the bay. The clouds were beautiful.
Becky dropped me off at the start and drove to the finish where she registered and rode a school bus back. But there were so many people we never met up until .1 miles from the finish!
Eden and I went inside the Rec Center where we had ringside seats to the pick-up basketball games being played. How different basketball is in person! The speed, the sounds of the sneakers squeeling on the floor, the energy! I was glad she got to see it in person as she ate her morning banana.
Then we went outside where the crowds were growing and it was like a grand reunion of people. We saw Cheryl again - a friend we met for the first time at the Firecracker 5k in July. Plus Jason, Shawn, Pam, John and Stan from Gulf Power and others from our Galloway running group. Everyone was happy to be there and the crowd kept swelling! I was accustomed to the Seafood Festival and Firecracker crowds but this was much bigger!
Just before the start, Eden was saying something over and over and pointing. Finally I clued in - "doggy!" Yes, we had to go make friends with the dogs, big and small, that had come to see us off. :)
It was an impressive crowd that started walking down the road a bit to the start. We found out later it was over 1000 people.
With the baby stroller, I placed myself near the back so I wouldn't be in anybody's way, but tried to stay in front of the walkers. I did have the presence of mind to start my watch a few seconds after the gun. So I know it was at least one minute after the start before I was able to cross the starting line!
Since I follow Galloway's method of running for 1 minute then walking for 1 minute, it was a perfect chance to teach Eden the words "fast" and "slow". So every other minute I would say, "Are you ready to go fast?" and she would say "fast" - and off we'd go! Then, "Let's go slow" and she'd say, "slow"
There was one young lady who looked to be about 10 or 11 that I really felt bad for her. She was struggling long before the 1 mile mark. Her mother was 50 feet ahead and turning around to say, "Come on!" and the young girl would start running out of desperation. She'd walk 30 seconds and then run again in a way that betrayed her lack of energy. I could tell she was thinking, "I'm never going to do this again!" I wanted so badly to tell her, "Just walk with me for a minute, catch your breath, and you'll feel better." I hate to see people raise the bar so high that others believe they can't run, believe it cannot be fun, and that it's something akin to torture. The only reason I'm there is because of the Galloway Walk Breaks. If I had believed I had to run the entire time, I would've never even made it to my first 5K. I would've missed out on all of the friends, all of the joy, all of the fitness and been stuck on the couch.
Turning the corner to the Bob Sikes Bridge was quite a sight! I wish I had my camera! The lane was packed with people all the way up that bridge. Eden was excited to see the water! Someone had asked me if I was going to run or walk up the bridge.... well, I did both! The 2nd run minute on the bridge, I cut back to 30 seconds and then walked for 1:30. But that's the only slacking I did. :)
The top brought less relief than I thought it would. I wished my jogging stroller had a little footpad I could stand on and ride down! :) I was concerned that Eden hadn't drank any of her iced water and it was HOT - so I grabbed a cup of water at the 2.5 mile mark and poured it on her head before grabbing another and pouring it on mine. :)
I had saved my secret motivation for the last .5 mile - so here I put in my headphones and turned on Riverdance. That is music to sprint to! It was still hard going, but I had more to give - (I just had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find it!) And my own little soundtrack was just the thing I needed at this point. Becky found me just at the end and ran with me a bit, until the finish line was in sight and my watch beeped to say "Run!" Run I did! In fact, I gave it a little hop-skip when I took off! Right when I was entering the finish chute - I questioned the wisdom of my last all-out sprint. I was done. (And I do apologize to those two people walking to the finish that I cut in front of! That was rude.) But at that point, the mind is not working at all, which is why they always have to remind me to take my little number tag off! I like sprinting at the finish - silly, but I don't want anyone to think I'm washed up at that point. If I am, then I didn't run the distance wisely.
Becky (31:21) was a dear and retreived popsicles for Eden and I. Thom (who ran a 26:18) and his wife were there along with their two children. Everyone enjoyed the popsicles, especially Eden & Joanna who got their pictures taken by the race photographer. :) One of the two directors of our Galloway group came and talked to Becky who is training for her first full marathon. Jackie told Becky how they've passed lots of people after mile 20 in a marathon because they're still fresh and have more to give. The others are walking because they have to - but they walk one minute after every 4 minutes of running from the start and Jackie is still able to sprint at the end. I think Becky was impressed.
We had to strip Eden as she was covered in popsicle and rinse her off before going home. It was a great day. At home, I couldn't quit doing. The momentum of the race was propelling me forward into laundry and chores. I finally laid down because if I didn't nap while Eden napped, she'd wake up and I'd be washed out. (So I forced myself to take a 'nap break' just like a 'walk break.')
I had to vacuum the sand out of Joe's car when we got home - and, no joke, I found a penny in the center console that made me smile. :) The first of many pennies for me, I hope. I have it in my bathroom to remind me of this day. Oh, did I forget to mention? I set a new PR: 39:09. :)
See you after our first training run on Monday!
We saw the sun peek above the horizon on the bridge over the bay. The clouds were beautiful.
Becky dropped me off at the start and drove to the finish where she registered and rode a school bus back. But there were so many people we never met up until .1 miles from the finish!
Eden and I went inside the Rec Center where we had ringside seats to the pick-up basketball games being played. How different basketball is in person! The speed, the sounds of the sneakers squeeling on the floor, the energy! I was glad she got to see it in person as she ate her morning banana.
Then we went outside where the crowds were growing and it was like a grand reunion of people. We saw Cheryl again - a friend we met for the first time at the Firecracker 5k in July. Plus Jason, Shawn, Pam, John and Stan from Gulf Power and others from our Galloway running group. Everyone was happy to be there and the crowd kept swelling! I was accustomed to the Seafood Festival and Firecracker crowds but this was much bigger!
Just before the start, Eden was saying something over and over and pointing. Finally I clued in - "doggy!" Yes, we had to go make friends with the dogs, big and small, that had come to see us off. :)
It was an impressive crowd that started walking down the road a bit to the start. We found out later it was over 1000 people.
With the baby stroller, I placed myself near the back so I wouldn't be in anybody's way, but tried to stay in front of the walkers. I did have the presence of mind to start my watch a few seconds after the gun. So I know it was at least one minute after the start before I was able to cross the starting line!
Since I follow Galloway's method of running for 1 minute then walking for 1 minute, it was a perfect chance to teach Eden the words "fast" and "slow". So every other minute I would say, "Are you ready to go fast?" and she would say "fast" - and off we'd go! Then, "Let's go slow" and she'd say, "slow"
There was one young lady who looked to be about 10 or 11 that I really felt bad for her. She was struggling long before the 1 mile mark. Her mother was 50 feet ahead and turning around to say, "Come on!" and the young girl would start running out of desperation. She'd walk 30 seconds and then run again in a way that betrayed her lack of energy. I could tell she was thinking, "I'm never going to do this again!" I wanted so badly to tell her, "Just walk with me for a minute, catch your breath, and you'll feel better." I hate to see people raise the bar so high that others believe they can't run, believe it cannot be fun, and that it's something akin to torture. The only reason I'm there is because of the Galloway Walk Breaks. If I had believed I had to run the entire time, I would've never even made it to my first 5K. I would've missed out on all of the friends, all of the joy, all of the fitness and been stuck on the couch.
Turning the corner to the Bob Sikes Bridge was quite a sight! I wish I had my camera! The lane was packed with people all the way up that bridge. Eden was excited to see the water! Someone had asked me if I was going to run or walk up the bridge.... well, I did both! The 2nd run minute on the bridge, I cut back to 30 seconds and then walked for 1:30. But that's the only slacking I did. :)
The top brought less relief than I thought it would. I wished my jogging stroller had a little footpad I could stand on and ride down! :) I was concerned that Eden hadn't drank any of her iced water and it was HOT - so I grabbed a cup of water at the 2.5 mile mark and poured it on her head before grabbing another and pouring it on mine. :)
I had saved my secret motivation for the last .5 mile - so here I put in my headphones and turned on Riverdance. That is music to sprint to! It was still hard going, but I had more to give - (I just had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find it!) And my own little soundtrack was just the thing I needed at this point. Becky found me just at the end and ran with me a bit, until the finish line was in sight and my watch beeped to say "Run!" Run I did! In fact, I gave it a little hop-skip when I took off! Right when I was entering the finish chute - I questioned the wisdom of my last all-out sprint. I was done. (And I do apologize to those two people walking to the finish that I cut in front of! That was rude.) But at that point, the mind is not working at all, which is why they always have to remind me to take my little number tag off! I like sprinting at the finish - silly, but I don't want anyone to think I'm washed up at that point. If I am, then I didn't run the distance wisely.
Becky (31:21) was a dear and retreived popsicles for Eden and I. Thom (who ran a 26:18) and his wife were there along with their two children. Everyone enjoyed the popsicles, especially Eden & Joanna who got their pictures taken by the race photographer. :) One of the two directors of our Galloway group came and talked to Becky who is training for her first full marathon. Jackie told Becky how they've passed lots of people after mile 20 in a marathon because they're still fresh and have more to give. The others are walking because they have to - but they walk one minute after every 4 minutes of running from the start and Jackie is still able to sprint at the end. I think Becky was impressed.
We had to strip Eden as she was covered in popsicle and rinse her off before going home. It was a great day. At home, I couldn't quit doing. The momentum of the race was propelling me forward into laundry and chores. I finally laid down because if I didn't nap while Eden napped, she'd wake up and I'd be washed out. (So I forced myself to take a 'nap break' just like a 'walk break.')
I had to vacuum the sand out of Joe's car when we got home - and, no joke, I found a penny in the center console that made me smile. :) The first of many pennies for me, I hope. I have it in my bathroom to remind me of this day. Oh, did I forget to mention? I set a new PR: 39:09. :)
See you after our first training run on Monday!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Running for Pennies
I quit journaling after 15+ years of it because I didn’t have the time since I’m ‘all grown up,’ married and with a full-time job and a child. But, I have decided to have a new theme in my life... Finish Something I Formerly Quit. So - in accordance with that theme, here I go! :)
What is the first thing (other than journaling - now blogging) that I have decided to finish? I am embarking on a journey that I have never run - er - done before. Basically, I am going to run a Half-Marathon.
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. In fact, I attempted it last year. I signed up for Jeff Galloway’s running group in my town. I was absolutely glowing with sweat and endorphins after finishing my first 3 mile run with them – something I never thought I could do. I was hooked – but not yet committed.
I ran with a friend in my neighborhood at 5 am – when we both got up, that is. I ran with the Galloway group in my town on Saturdays. It started with 3 miles, then 3.5 miles, then 4 miles, back to 3 miles, 4.5 miles, 5 miles, back to 4 miles…. Following a pattern like that: upping the mileage a bit for 2 or 3 Saturdays, then falling back for an easier Saturday. And all we were supposed to do was run 30 or 45 minutes during the week on Monday and Wednesday. (At least, that’s all we beginners had to do, according to Jeff.)
It was great, because we met at a different place every Saturday. I still remember the Saturday run on the other side of the Bay when it rained. Oh, it was GREAT to run in that gentle downpour, to feel the water drip from your head and know that there was nothing between you and the elements. It was mentally invigorating. I remember that it was a 5 mile run that day and a friend from work joined us for the first (and unfortunately, so far) last time. She was so surprised how the walk breaks and the fellowship made the miles pass, if not effortlessly, at least a lot easier that you would imagine.
I also remember the times we ran downtown – going much further north than I would’ve ever imagine going on foot – and how odd it seemed to be running underneath the Interstate! Things just look different when you’re traveling places and you’re not in a car!
I didn’t even mention that I was dropping inches at that same time even if I wasn’t dropping pounds. But with all of these benefits, why did I not continue?
To Be Continued... :)
What is the first thing (other than journaling - now blogging) that I have decided to finish? I am embarking on a journey that I have never run - er - done before. Basically, I am going to run a Half-Marathon.
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. In fact, I attempted it last year. I signed up for Jeff Galloway’s running group in my town. I was absolutely glowing with sweat and endorphins after finishing my first 3 mile run with them – something I never thought I could do. I was hooked – but not yet committed.
I ran with a friend in my neighborhood at 5 am – when we both got up, that is. I ran with the Galloway group in my town on Saturdays. It started with 3 miles, then 3.5 miles, then 4 miles, back to 3 miles, 4.5 miles, 5 miles, back to 4 miles…. Following a pattern like that: upping the mileage a bit for 2 or 3 Saturdays, then falling back for an easier Saturday. And all we were supposed to do was run 30 or 45 minutes during the week on Monday and Wednesday. (At least, that’s all we beginners had to do, according to Jeff.)
It was great, because we met at a different place every Saturday. I still remember the Saturday run on the other side of the Bay when it rained. Oh, it was GREAT to run in that gentle downpour, to feel the water drip from your head and know that there was nothing between you and the elements. It was mentally invigorating. I remember that it was a 5 mile run that day and a friend from work joined us for the first (and unfortunately, so far) last time. She was so surprised how the walk breaks and the fellowship made the miles pass, if not effortlessly, at least a lot easier that you would imagine.
I also remember the times we ran downtown – going much further north than I would’ve ever imagine going on foot – and how odd it seemed to be running underneath the Interstate! Things just look different when you’re traveling places and you’re not in a car!
I didn’t even mention that I was dropping inches at that same time even if I wasn’t dropping pounds. But with all of these benefits, why did I not continue?
To Be Continued... :)
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