Monday, August 20, 2007

Another Run, Another Penny

I was asked on Saturday during our run why my blog was "Running for Pennies." My subtitle is "A story about change." I chose that title for two reasons: 1) I don't believe that running is going to change my life. I believe that running is going to change me, and when I am changed, my life will naturally change. 2) A million dollars is just a bunch of pennies all hanging out together. Every run, every day is important and it all adds up.

I also have a row of pennies that I am taping to my cubicle for each run. When I get my digital camera fixed, I post a picture of them.

Saturday's run was great - of course! Eden was a doll again, but I'm wondering how long it's going to last. :) Maybe I should start packing a book for when she gets bored!

It seemed like we had even more people than last time. I'm so glad for that! A friend of mine who runs regularly came out and tried the 5 mile group. She said the company was great - it was a good pace with good people and good conversation. Everybody was upbeat and uplifting. I hear that this is generally true of runners. Maybe it's all the good endorphins. Maybe it's the habit of getting up early and accomplishing something significant before others get out of bed. I don't know what it is - but runners are generally upbeat people. It's great to get out every week and immerse yourself into it.

Next week we have our Magic Mile at the UWF track. That'll be verry interresting! After that we'll be divided into our pace groups and this is when we'll be able to really stay together as a group, get to know each other and support each other. Angie's been my running buddy the last two mornings - I hope she's in my group! :)

1 comment:

Ted said...

You know I wondered about the Penny thing, thanks for clearing that up!