Tuesday, August 28, 2007

And the Route Turns a Blind Corner...

I’ve just been told by the Galloway Running Group that I cannot bring my daughter to the group runs anymore. It’s an issue of liability which I totally understand. However, I only have two days a week with her as it is, and I’m not willing to reduce it further. I was just renewing my commitment to the training, and was really looking forward to the comraderie with our new pace groups which was to start this Saturday. I knew that my biggest challenges in this endeavor were going to be “offroad” (as in the logistics behind the training) - I just didn't know what those challenges were going to be. I’ve already signed up for the Seaside Half-Marathon and am committed to completing it. I will just have to take my training one run at a time. Please lift me up in prayer as I seek the Lord’s direction on how to continue my training.

Thank you.


RunToTheFinish said...

Doesn't the saying go something like... it's all in his plan? I'm not sure where I land on that, but I do know I've learned from running that every tough moment undeniably turns out something else... maybe a different training group or run is just what you needed... good luck.

Ted said...

Christie I hope there is a way you will be able to continue. I have three daughters, I understand the importance of being there for them. Don't neglect your physical and mental well being in the process. "Sharpening the saw" as Covey calls it will make you a better Mother.

jeff/sue said...

Hi Christie---hope you can work this out somehow. When my two sets of twins were Eden's age, running really helped me to keep my focus. Hope to see you Saturday.